Archives for posts with tag: mind

Had the worse ever month, everything has just gone wrong and getting right on top of me been an emoctinol rollacoster just wish it was all over been disowend by my family and me dad ell my dad got the back end of my mood i just dont care no more!!!! all i ever wanted as a simple life with none of this shit and deffo not bipolar it has just wreked my life just feel like iving ryt up i carnt do it any more>>these thorghts im haveing are just beyond a joke do not know how im still here 😦 never felt this bad for a while just sat and cried and cried just dont no what to do any more!!! peope that are ment to care dont just feel so alone and icolated like the whole world is out to get me 😦 carnt cope with anything any more!!!!!!

Today has got to have been the worst day I’ve ever had in my life. Not knowing if my mam is going to live or die is the worst ever a don’t no what to think head really badly messed up right now. Really hope she pulls through a love her loads don’t aleays show it because of all the shit I’ve had of her but I really do love her ❤ . How do I deal with this along with bipolar?? All I want to do now is get pissed n self harm :-/ hopefuly she will pull thru. Come on mam your a little fighter get better for everyone that loves you xx